Missional Communities


We all have a deep-set yearning for a better world, to be intimately connected to our creator, to see justice and harmony between one another, to live at peace with ourselves, and to see a day when sickness, aging, disease, and death are no more.  We believe this is what God intended for us – that we were created to live in a perfect world and to take pleasure in a perfect relationship with God.  We also believe that the whole creation is no longer what it once was.  It is now groaning and breaking because of rebellion (sin) against God.  Since that day, God has been on a mission to restore all things unto himself through the person and work of Jesus Christ.  The Church is community comprised of those that God has already reconciled to himself and have made His family.  God has chosen to work His mission through them to spread his message and show his love so that others are restored to God as well. Our Missional Communities are the primary way that we mobilize God’s people for His mission.



A Missional Community is NOT primarily a small group, Bible Study. Support group, prayer group, activist group, or weekly meeting.  It may entail these elements, but rather…

A Missional Community is a family of committed believers who live out the mission of God in a specific community to a specific people.  They build up each other in the Gospel and share it with others.  They show the Gospel through serving others and restoring what is broken in our communities. 



We, at The Exchange, believe that faith grows in motion.  We grow our most in our journey with God when we are walking together in authentic and challenging relationships.  Our Missional Communities (MCs) help people to get to know God and are the vehicle through which we share His Message and serve our community.

We also believe that people seeking God are also looking for a people who are show the radical love of the God they profess. For the unbeliever, that’s the test if the God we believe in could possibly be real.  Because of Christ’s great love in saving us, we strive to be that people who embody the love of Jesus through serving the community and sharing our lives together.  Each of our MCs will focus not only on learning God’s Story, but learning to live it as well through serving others and sharing the Good News of Jesus.

When we look at the Bible, God called his church the light of the world, a city on a hill, a kingdom of priests.  We’re saved into a community, a family, called the church.  In the book of acts we see a group of people living life together, mutually committed to one another and to the mission of God.  God used His church greatly in the book of Acts because the whole community gave a collective witness to the life, love, and message of Jesus.  Our MCs are the primary way that we partner with the Holy Spirit in to further the mission of God in our area.



You can also contact TheExchangeSemo@gmail.com

